Tuesday, April 11, 2006

One of my favorites

I just like this one (see "Frozen Bog" below). It is, for me, very difficult to make "dark" pastel paintings but with this painting I was able to achieve something I felt had a very "atmospheric" feeling to it. I was also able to give this piece a feeling of depth, something that I struggled mightily with for a time.

Again, this was painting around the same time as "Poppies". In fact, this, and all the others from that period that I will be posting in the next weeks, were all painted in the same spiral notebook. Now, I tape individual pieces of pastel paper onto an board and frame them when they are finished.

I believe that I have definitely grown as an artist in the last 10 years, but I have fond memories of this time when I began to relearn to paint. It was also a time when my apartment doubled as the hang out and official head quarters for for Dragon Sun Studios
Johnie C, Anthon-Z, Def Stacie, Coney and my boy Charlie "F'K'N" Ward (okay, he existed only as his EASports digital self, but he was always there). In truth, somebody was awake 24/7, either drawing something or playing Sega or Nintendo. Ah yes, those were the days.

Now I am going to have to find Johnie's "Mangaverse" version of my apartment.

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